
Guests "VKontakte": is it possible to view

Social network "VKontakte" has penetrated into the everyday life of modern man. She discovered many interesting opportunities. However, a person always lacks something, and he starts looking for some new services ...

A social network or something more?

The site "VKontakte" has long ceased to be an ordinary social network. This is the place where people find their old friends or relatives, make new acquaintances, which grow into something more. A lot of people thanks to the service "VKontakte" found their destiny, brought in new families and are now raising children. And how many emotions this social network stores in itself ... Joy from the received gift or a congratulatory message ... Jealousy from the fact that an important person put a kid to someone else ... The annoyance that a person does not respond to an urgent Message or simply does not write the first ... A sense of emotion at the sight of a beautiful photo ... And many, many others.

Does VKontakte have drawbacks?

How much cognitive and interesting contains "VKontakte"! Scientific and entertainment communities are updated every hour with new and new facts,
Funny videos, etc. How many gaming applications are there that not only help to pass the time, but also learn something unexpected for yourself, for example, in an application such as "Guests" VKontakte. "

The social network "Odnoklassniki" is also popular among Russians and residents of the nearest countries . Of course, it has a number of its features and differences. However, the audience of "Classmates" is mostly a somewhat older age category. But, probably, the main distinguishing feature is the ability to make a viewing of the guests. "In the contact" is no such function. And, perhaps, users consider this to be one of its biggest drawbacks.

Tempting offers "from Paul Durov"

To see who came to visit "VKontakte", proceeding even from ordinary curiosity, at least once every registered user would like. Some begin to study the Internet network, look for some applications, download special programs, manipulate links, etc. After all, the question is: "How to view the guests in contact?" We will try to understand this problem and give an exhaustive answer.

Now various sites are full of tempting slogans that they offer the most unique program created by Pavel Durov himself . That supposedly only thanks to this miracle program you can in a moment know the list of all those who visited your page. But is it really so?

If users ever read the rules, they would know that such programs and applications are prohibited by the VKontakte administration, and their founders are punished with a lifetime ban. But you always want to believe that there are some Internet geniuses who managed to deceive Durov, or even Paul himself to decide to make a bonus gift and provided such a program.

What awaits users actually

Let's understand that we are offered similar programs. Usually they collect the logins and passwords of naive users who are ready to provide everything themselves. This is done in order to subsequently assign automatic dispatch of advertising news, make reposts, subscribe to questionable communities and put likes of these users. Then these gullible users will expect the anger of friends for the numerous spam.

Some were even trickier. After you download the program "Guests" in contact ", you are kindly offered to send a small sum of money (by transfer to an electronic purse or via sending an SMS message), for which they promise to show guests and statistics, and a lot of other privileges Of course, it's all a waste of money and time, they will not give you anything.

The solution of the provided "guests"

Perhaps someone will want to argue, because some programs and applications still give out a picture, which even lists "Guests" in the contact. "And then immediately analysis: who came in more often, who less often and t Etc. And even all this is similar to reality: there are really friends with whom you communicated not so long ago, but all this is a lie.This kind of lists are made on the basis of data, access to which you yourself provided scammers by entering your login and password You will definitely see in the "guests" people who are at the top of your list Friends, as well as those with whom the latest correspondence was conducted and who left messages on the wall, but you will not find any real visitors.

One simple truth should be remembered that applications like: "Distribution of votes", "Free gifts", "Raising the rating", "Unique page design" - it's all a hoax! All services that provide any specific functions have been known for a long time and are available free of charge (except for buying votes and contributing funds to advertise their communities) to each user "VKontakte." The visitors of the page are not known to anyone until the programmers of this social network decide to make the corresponding function.

Scammers: where they live

Most often a person who wants to know who visited his profile, writes an appropriate query in the search engine. To him there and then give out many sites, namely - forums. There, "connoisseurs" colorfully describe all the advantages of programs that can provide a list of guests, and sometimes even boast of having tried everything from their own experience. In fact, if you decide to trust these people, you will receive in return a lot of annoying and malicious viruses on your computer, as well as a constant expense of money (this depends on what personal information you provide scammers).

Browsing various sites, you can sometimes find pop-up windows at the bottom. They contain a colorful description of what someone is visiting your page, and in order to find out, you just go to their site. Similar pop-up windows are decorated in the same color scheme as "VKontakte" in order to confuse the naive user more. To avoid this, it is necessary to install a special program that blocks the appearance of advertising pop-ups.

Sometimes you can even receive a letter from a close friend in which he will propose to install the program "Guests" in contact. "" The application is working! "- he will argue, and maybe even assure himself that he even tried it. : He was "hacked." In this case, you should contact this friend in person and advise you to immediately change your password.

How to warn yourself against scammers

In order not to fall into the hands of intruders, this should be taken care of in advance. First of all, it should be remembered that the official "Guests" service does not exist in the "Contact" .Therefore, all such applications or programs, respectively, are false.You need not check this again and you can not switch to the corresponding sites either.

Also it is worth remembering that one should be cautious about the statements of outsiders from the forums (and even their friends!) That they have found a wonderful possibility of selecting guests.

And in order to avoid the temptation and protect yourself from colorful advertising, you can install special blocking programs.

Draw conclusions

In conclusion, we can say that it is impossible to view guests in "Contact". You can only get on the intricate tricks of swindlers and hurt yourself. You can correct the situation if you change your login and password or by contacting the technical support of the social network.

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