
Gas injections - what is it? Indications, contraindications, reviews

In modern times, new methods of treating many diseases appear in medicine. For example, gas injections, which will be discussed in this article. The procedure helps restore the human body, which is constantly under the influence of bad ecology, suffers from malnutrition and aging. As a result, oxygen is poorly supplied to tissues and cells.

What are called gas injections?

Gas injections (indications and contraindications are described in this article somewhat lower) have two other names: "pneumopuncture" and "caboxitherapy". These are common injections that are made with the use of carbon dioxide. That is a kind of mesotherapy. During this procedure, nutrients are introduced into the body. And during the caboxicotherapy - only pure carbon dioxide.

This method of treatment has spread recently, at the end of the last century. But kabroksiterapiyu can be done only in special medical institutions, which take into account many indicators before the procedure.

The essence of the method

Thanks to the introduction of carbon dioxide into the body. The strongest starvation of cells begins. And they feverishly produce oxygen through the blood supply of tissues. O2 comes in the largest quantities to the puncture site. And this helps improve the metabolism at the cellular level.

What device do gas injections do?

For kabroksiterapii used medical pistol from the French manufacturer. The device provides accurate insertion and greater accuracy. As raw material for the gun uses high-purity carbon dioxide. It is certified, which confirms its quality and safety for the person.

How is the maximum effect achieved?

To achieve the maximum effect of kabroksi-therapy, several sessions are necessary. Their number and schedule of procedures are determined by doctors. But for cosmetic purposes, it may be enough and one injection, as the result becomes noticeable immediately. In treatment, the effect occurs most often in a period of one to three weeks. And lasts from a few months to a year.

Effects of gas injections

The procedure brings tremendous benefits to the body. When a person is introduced carbon dioxide, it is very quickly absorbed, so the effect begins immediately. There is a list of contraindications, but it is not large. Therefore, people with advanced age are often interested in calciferotherapy. They are also attracted by the fact that the procedure is painless, unlike usual injections. Gas injections:

  • Improve overall blood circulation and quickly deliver oxygen to all tissues and cells;
  • Normalize the lymph flow;
  • Stimulate the influx of oxygen and nutrients;
  • Stimulate the rapid recovery of cells;
  • Affect all points responsible for the work of internal organs;
  • Promote rejuvenation, increase the elasticity and freshness of the skin due to the production of elastin and collagen;
  • Affect the fat deposits, causing the cells to oxidize and burn.

The gas is injected subcutaneously with the help of special equipment, which allows controlling the dose and speed of administration. The method of kabroksiterapii does not lead to complications. The final result depends only on the experience of the physician and the quality of the procedure. And if there are side effects, then they quickly pass.

The procedure for conducting

Before the procedure of gas injections is prescribed, the doctor examines the patient, revealing whether there are any contraindications. If injections can be carried out, then the person sits down on an armchair and places of influence are processed by an antiseptic. A special gun with a very thin needle is injected into the patient with gas.

At the same time, a certain depth and area of influence is observed. For one injection, only 200 milliliters of carbon dioxide are injected. And for several times and in small portions. This may cause unpleasant sensations of slight burning or tingling. But with gas injections this is considered the norm.

Unpleasant sensations disappear already during the procedure. But if the pain begins, it can be the wrong way to choose the correct dosage or speed of gas supply.

Indications for the use of gas injections

The newest modern remedy for many diseases is gas injections. Indications for greatest effect:

  • excess weight;
  • hair loss;
  • Bags and swelling under the eyes;
  • After plastic surgery;
  • Varicose veins, phlebitis, venous insufficiency;
  • Signs of aging (wrinkles, discoloration and flabbiness;
  • Cosmetic defects (stretch marks, scars and scars);
  • Cellulite;
  • Consequences of surgical operations or injuries;
  • Rehabilitation after a stroke or other especially serious illness;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Any heart disease (including hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, etc.);
  • Diseases that affect the muscles (including atrophy, myositis, etc.);
  • A number of diseases related to female and male reproductive systems (including prostatitis, adnexitis and adhesions);
  • Complications after unsuccessful liposuction;
  • Swelling of the body or parts.


Despite the fact that almost all diseases are useful gas injections, there are contraindications:

  • Do not make injections during the course of acute infectious and skin diseases or exacerbation of chronic.
  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • With epilepsy and heart failure, taking place in an acute form.
  • For any skin infections or exacerbations.
  • Do not use gas injections if there are problems with blood pressure.
  • With angina, thrombophlebitis and open wounds.
  • During gangrene or skin damage in the area of the intended effect.
  • With renal failure.

Treatment of joints and spine

Gas injections for the joints and spine have long been done in Europe. This method with great success has long been used in clinics in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Now, the use of caboxitherapy in Russia. For example, in the clinic Razumovsky. With the help of caboxicotherapy, carbon dioxide enters the joints and tissues of the back.

And according to statistics, approximately 80% of patients notice a significant improvement in their condition. Gas injections, reviews of which are only positive, can remove pain syndromes and increase joint mobility.

Carboxytherapy in cosmetology

The injections with carbon dioxide are successfully used in cosmetology. During the procedure, collagen is produced, which provides elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Even deep wrinkles are quickly smoothed, cellulite disappears. This will require at least eight procedures.

The patient is lying on the couch. Then the injection site is wiped with disinfectant solutions. The needle is inserted under the skin to a depth of 5 to 6 millimeters. If blood appears after the injection, the hole on the skin is sealed with a patch. The method is universal. It can be used for any type of skin.

Karlovy Vary

Gas injections in Karlovy Vary are very popular. They are held in all resorts. Basically, the procedure is done to relieve pain or degeneration of the spine and joints. But gas injections, of course, can not replace the full complex of treatment.

Carboxytherapy for hair loss

Gas injections perfectly solve the problem of hair falling out. When an injection is made, the blood begins to circulate more strongly. And this activates the growth of hair follicles. For the best effect, you need to go through eight procedures. The injections are shallow - from 1 to 2 mm. The method is painless.

Rehabilitation and precautionary measures

Rehabilitation period after gas injections is practically not required. After the procedure, there is no need to stay in the hospital. The only thing is that there are several restrictions that must be fulfilled for several hours. At this time, it is forbidden to supercool the body, visit saunas and bathe in the baths.

You can not wet the place of injection, respectively, exclude swimming and swimming in the pool. Observe the precautionary rules necessary for two days. Until the puffiness at the injection site completely disappears.

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