EducationSecondary education and schools

Criterial assessment of student achievement

Criterial evaluation of educational achievements of students is especially important in the framework of the transition of educational institutions to the new Federal state standards.


The GEF of the second generation assumes a significant modernization of modern education. In addition to basic skills and skills, attention is paid to the independent activity of schoolchildren, a reliable foundation is created for the intermediate level of education.

Standards of the first generation assessed the degree of mastering by the students of a certain minimum of knowledge and skills. Critical evaluation of the GEF focuses on new goals and results, allows you to monitor the child's self-development. In the new educational system, evaluation is not a criterion for a minimum, it is used to test the mastery of educational skills and skills.

Grades for junior schoolchildren

The control of achievements of younger schoolchildren is an actual problem of the modern educational system. Let us analyze the main forms and methods of evaluation associated with the accumulative rating system, and also distinguish the distinctive features of the non-marking variant among junior schoolchildren.

Features of the new standards

The leading component in the new educational standards to the results of mastering the basic curriculum is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

They establish:

  1. Directions of the development of the educational system, which determine the main thematic sections.
  2. The technology of criterial evaluation allows us to describe individual achievements of students.
  3. The requirements for the organization and content of primary education are defined.

As the main direction of evaluation with a new approach to education is the monitoring of the results of the activities to introduce and develop modern curricula. GEF second generation are aimed at personal development of schoolchildren. Criterial evaluation in the lessons of mathematics involves the registration of several groups of UUN.

There are three main options for determining the results of education, assuming a criterial evaluation:

  • Meta-subjective;
  • Personal;
  • Subject.

Personal results in GEF are considered as the development of the child's self-determination, including the formation of his civic identity, the improvement of the internal position, the formation of meanings and motives for educational and extracurricular activities, the improvement of moral and ethical values, feelings, personal qualities.

Metaprojective skills presuppose universal types of activity: communicative, cognitive, and also variants of its correction:

  • control;
  • planning;
  • correction.

Universal variants can be mastered by children on the basis of one or several academic disciplines, used by schoolchildren in the cognitive process, during extracurricular activities, to eliminate real life problems, and to find a way out of difficult situations. Criterial evaluation of students' learning achievements is mainly used in educational activities. The subject results of the teaching include the material learned by schoolchildren in the process of studying the subject.

The results of the initial general education standard

The main results of GEF in the primary school, which allows to analyze the criterial evaluation system, are:

  • The formation of objective and universal actions that allow continuing education in the second stage (in the main school);
  • Education of the ability to learn, develop independently, self-organize, set own goals and objectives, solve educational, practical and educational tasks;
  • Individuality of progress in the development of personal qualities.

Criterial evaluation in primary classes helps the teacher to find an individual approach to each child, to choose the best methods and forms of teaching. There is a special document, which lists all the planned results for different educational areas (subjects).

Purpose of the GEF evaluation

Criterial assessment in primary school according to the second generation standards analyzes the way to achieve the planned educational results. As a result, the following educational-practical and cognitive tasks are being solved:

  1. Creation of a system of scientific presentations about man, society, nature.
  2. Skills and skills of research, cognitive, practical activities.
  3. Communicative and informative skills.

Criterial evaluation in primary school by GEF has some features. The new standards are aimed at organizing joint lesson and extra-curricular activity of schoolchildren and teachers, choosing and organizing educational content, creating an enabling environment.

Criterial evaluation is not just a learning tool, but a stable regulator of the educational program. It acts as an intrinsic fragment of the content of the subject, a means of increasing the effectiveness of teaching and teaching. The place, function of a mark in educational process has changed. Criterial evaluation of students' achievements is based on the following principles:

  1. It is an ongoing process that is integrated into normal activities.
  2. For each stage of the lesson, the teacher applies his own assessment option. Diagnostic checks are also suitable for the initial stage of after-hour activities.
  3. Intermediate, final, thematic, boundary, criterial evaluation is indispensable at the verification stage of the ZUN.

Evaluation axioms

There are certain canons that characterize the GEF evaluation:

  1. To achieve any goal, several methods are suitable.
  2. Not a single criterial evaluation system can adequately assess the individual abilities of schoolchildren.
  3. It is necessary to carry out a preliminary check, identifying the possibility of applying the chosen method for a specific educational program.
  4. Do not use all technologies at once, it is important to identify priority areas.
  5. Criterial evaluation focuses on the formation of positive motivation, supporting the success of schoolchildren.
  6. GEF does not imply the conversion of the assessment into a kind of "whip" for the student.

Criterial evaluation in the lessons of mathematics should not be reduced to a huge number of tests and tests, bullying schoolchildren with low marks. Every schoolboy must have the right to his own educational trajectory, the personal pace of studying the teaching material.

If the system is criterial, students are assessed based on their individual abilities, personal results. GEF does not imply unsatisfactory marks on moral development, patriotic education. The teacher has the opportunity to compare each child's personal results.

GEF does not imply the teacher's comparison of the achievements of different students, since the problem of the child's psychological comfort arises. The teacher marks the total mark as the total result of the estimates accumulated by the child for the period under review (quarter, half year, year).

The new standards assume only a criterial evaluation in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, the world around. In order not to cause negative reactions in schoolchildren, all criteria and standards of marks, the specifics of exhibiting in advance inform parents, children, teachers. A mark is used to monitor the results of a child's learning activity, it can not distinguish the student's personal qualities.

The modern system of education presupposes precisely the criterial evaluation. The school proposes to build a special form of control, in which all students will be included in such activities, they will be able to gain self-esteem, work in creative groups. This variant of the work implements the principle of a uniform distribution of responsibility between all participants in the educational process: teachers, students, parents.

Criterial evaluation of the Russian language implies the voluntariness of the implementation of statements and dictations, assignments of an increased level of complexity. At the first stage of training, the evaluation system is used to stimulate the child's desire to learn:

  • The teacher controls the student's initial knowledge and experience used to study the material;
  • Group and individual achievements of schoolchildren are taken into account;
  • The understanding of the material studied by the child is analyzed;
  • The teacher encourages the children to reflect on their own result, their contribution to the common cause.

The GEF evaluation system in an elementary school assumes an internal marking, the teacher determines it. External evaluation is carried out by a variety of services in the form of monitoring studies, attestation work. Such a criterion evaluation of mathematics does not affect the quarter (annual) mark. The GEF of the second generation not only modernized the content of education, they adjusted the requirements for schoolchildren's training, approaches to the results of training, and their diagnosis.

Specificity of assessment of meta-subject, subject, personal results

When introducing the second generation standards, the teachers raised the issue of assessing the formation of actions, the level of achievements, fixing new learning outcomes. In order to find answers to the questions posed, the representatives of the primary school formulated certain tasks:

  1. Analyze options for pedagogical control, assessment of educational and extracurricular achievements of schoolchildren, taking into account new standards.
  2. To study the methodical and scientific literature on the problem of assessing the achievements of the planned results, the degree of mastering the basic curriculum of primary education.
  3. Think over the criteria for assessing the educational abilities of schoolchildren in terms of standards of the second generation.

To implement the GEF, personal, meta-subject, and objective results of education are assessed. The teacher selects meaningful (subject-active) lines. In addition to the marks given by the teacher, the child also implements self-esteem, monitors the dynamics of personal achievements.

Portfolio allows you to accumulate achievements, analyze the individual educational development of the student. In addition to standard written or oral works, GEF assumes the project (research) activity of students. At the end of the school year, each child individually or as part of a project team protects the project. The form of presentation of the results of work is selected by the educational institution, approved by the school council.

Evaluation History

Evaluation has appeared in pedagogy for a long time. It was used to check the level of mastering of new material, control of intellectual skills. The teacher tries to devote a certain period of time to the assessment of schoolchildren in each lesson. Among the most popular ways to test ZUN, the leading positions belong to: control and independent works, simulators, tests, frontal surveys. To check the level of training, children are offered special homework for which the teacher marks. The classical variant of estimation is work in small groups, oral performances before classmates. Examples of evaluation methods offered in the new educational system are:

  • Test tasks;
  • Express polls;
  • Observations;
  • Exercises with self-esteem;
  • Game evaluation options;
  • Discussion.

To achieve the objectives set by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the teacher should not only own the assessment system, but also operate with the forms and methods of instruction.

In addition to reproductive methods, including a classical explanation of the material, the performance of the exercises according to the scheme, the teacher must also use problem technologies in his work. They are the leaders in the educational standards of the new generation. The research approach, design, modeling of various situations, including after-hour education, helps the teacher to achieve the tasks set by the Ministry of Education.

Methods of estimation

Impressive teaching methods presuppose the formation of social, aesthetic, moral, and scientific values among schoolchildren. Evaluation involves the following facts:

  • Degree of activity of the student;
  • The level of reproduction of the information received.

Expressive methods presuppose students modeling situations in which they will be able to show their level of education and upbringing. GEF involves the combination of these two methods, the analysis is carried out in aggregate. Comprehensive assessment implies the inclusion of all skills, the emphasis is on personal skills.

The school forms such an evaluation system that will objectively monitor the individual abilities of the student, monitor the development of new knowledge, the acquisition of certain skills. The teacher conducts a comprehensive check of the achievements of the pupils, selects for each child his own option for further development. Maintaining a portfolio of students' achievement is a way of constantly monitoring individual growth of children.

Examples of assessment systems

For first-graders, no-cost training is suitable:

  • The teacher creates a "ladder of achievements", at each level of which students are expected to receive certain skills;
  • Heroes of fairy-tale rulers help kids to learn new knowledge, get the basics of design and research activities;
  • Sheets of individual achievements are based on painting the cells with different colors, and the shade depends on what skills are obtained from schoolchildren;
  • Sheets of observations.

All these methods of evaluation without the use of scores should be supplemented by comprehensive (final) knowledge checks. Among the innovations introduced at the initial stage of training, the writing of test works by graduates of the 4th grade. This initiative was based on the teachers themselves, who understand the importance and importance of rating testing at the initial stage of training. Such test tasks will help the guys prepare for the final exams, waiting for them at the level of basic education (9th grade), at the end of the secondary school (11th grade).


The rapid development of modern society has left its imprint on education. The introduction of new standards of education at the primary and secondary levels of education has brought about significant changes in the evaluation system. There was a rating system that takes into account not only general educational skills, but also other personal achievements of schoolchildren. Portfolio now is not only among teachers, high school students, but also in elementary school students. What can you invest in the portfolio of personal achievements? All that can be proud of:

  1. Special sheets of achievements, which reflect the dynamics of educational personal changes, starting with the first year of his education in an educational institution.
  2. The results of various tests, conclusions on their results. Initial testing is considered as initial testing. It is conducted by a psychologist before the child enters school.
  3. The portfolio includes both closed and open answers of the child, which reflect the development of technical skills: reading techniques, computational skills.
  4. Certificates, gratitudes, diplomas from various olympiads, contests, conferences, creative events.


GEF are aimed at the formation of a developed personality. The ZUN estimation system has been substantially modernized. On the first place is not the score, which characterizes the specific ZUN of the child, but the progress, personal achievements that the student received during the estimated period of time.

Such an approach stimulates pupils to self-development, self-improvement. If children are comfortable in the class, there is no fear of evaluation, they are not afraid to answer, the desire to learn new knowledge from schoolchildren will be strengthened from year to year. The use of certain criteria, relevant to GEF, when evaluating, helps the teacher develop in his pupils a sense of responsibility, cooperation, and the ability to work in a team.

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