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Children's autumn crafts for kindergarten: development of assiduity, fine motor skills and fantasy

There is an opinion that children's autumn crafts for kindergarten and their manufacture are oriented only for a certain time. In fact, all the materials that are collected in the appropriate season can be used in any other period. This is due to the fact that the raw material is strong enough - chestnuts, cones, seeds or seeds can be stored for a long time. As for dry, fragile leaves, it is sufficient to place them in a book, and then they can also be used for making applications or other products.

The main mistake of parents

There is no such child who would not have to perform children's autumn crafts for the kindergarten. It is necessary to pay attention to the main mistake of the parents - they try not to hit the dirt in the face, and to make an article on their own so that she admires the teachers. However, this state of things will not go to the child's benefit, because he must work on his own to create his own small masterpiece. The fact is that in the kindergarten do not give such tasks to the house, which would not help the children develop certain skills and abilities. Therefore, if parents perform their tasks independently, then there will be no point in this.

Why do you need children's creativity?

It is necessary to consider separately what abilities and skills develop in children when they perform children's autumn crafts for a kindergarten. This kind of creativity contributes:

- Development or improvement of fine motor skills. When a child works with small details, he learns accuracy. Let him better remake several times, because he can ruin the product in a hurry, but himself.

- Concentration of attention. Again, when children work with small details, they will observe only a few parts of the future product. This will help them learn to focus only on those things that they need at a particular moment.

- Perseverance. Everyone knows that in order to achieve certain successes in any field, it is necessary to have tremendous patience. And if you do not get this ability from early childhood, then there may be various troubles in the future.

- Development of imagination and creativity. All children's autumn crafts are focused on complete freedom. The kid is given only one rule - to do something from the materials that he can find on the street in the appropriate period. And then he acts as he wants. Therefore, when parents themselves perform tasks, they simply simply take away from the baby the opportunity for self-fulfillment.

It should be added that toddlers make all children's autumn crafts with their own hands with great pleasure. They like to observe how a beautiful product gradually emerges from a multitude of details that resemble rubbish. And at the same time it does not matter that it is made clumsily and does not always look like the originally conceived version.


If you want to help a child make his children's autumn crafts for a kindergarten, then you should not take the work yourself. You can advise the final product, explain how to use this or that material. But all parents need to remember the important rule - never do the work for your kids, be patient and try not to rush the child. The result will not take long to wait - after a short time you will be surprised at how beautiful the crafts are made by your children.

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