Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Basic exercises for the muscles of the legs

The legs of any athlete are an important part of the figure. It's not for nothing that they say that the legs are the support in which all the strength and energy of the body is concentrated. Without strong legs it is impossible to perform high-quality power trainings of jogging character. The muscles of the legs and back, as well as the pectoral muscles, are the largest muscle groups in the human anatomy, the beauty and power of this musculature testifies to the presence of a developed and strong body. Exercises for leg muscles can be classified into pushing and pulling. Drawing exercises are associated with the fact that you are approaching yourself to a working projectile, or vice versa, pulling the projectile towards you. To this type of exercise can be attributed to all known stanovuyu thrust. Exercises for leg muscles based on the traction of various species most effectively strengthen the muscles of the thigh. For pumping the muscles of the legs, flexion in the knee joint is also recommended, when the shell slowly extends into the buttock area, while you are lying on your stomach. Such training allows you to strengthen the back of the thigh. Pushing exercises for the muscles of the legs contribute to the development of strength endurance and power in the legs. Among these exercises, we can include squatting, which, perhaps, gives the greatest effect on the development of the femoral musculature.

Classical squats will give you a much greater effect than other sets of exercises. Among athletes, these are the best exercises for the leg muscles of all known. In this case, we are talking not only about the legs, but also about the growth of the skeleton of the muscles of the whole body. But to treat squats is extremely careful, because in the event of improper performance of the exercise, you can damage the spine and pull the soft tissues of various parts of the body. To properly do it, you need to place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, your feet need to be slightly rotated outwards, you must always have a straight back, the torso is in tension. Squat is as deep as possible, do not limit yourself to the amplitude to a parallel position with the floor. It is very important not to force the weight gain of the bar in this exercise until you improve your technique to the required level.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs can be performed for the purpose of gaining muscle mass, or for giving the muscles relief.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs:

The form of deadlift on straight legs is the most effective complex for the development of the musculature of the legs. If you consider the whole set of training techniques, then exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs can have different goals. Legs can be well strengthened by running at a different pace. Jerks are aimed at increasing muscle mass, monotonous running for long distances allows you to dry your legs and give them a clear relief. But no run can be compared in terms of mass recruitment with deadlift. Static traction mainly strengthens the hamstring. For this popular exercise we use rather big weights, the workers of 100-130 kg here are not uncommon, and even more so - an outstanding result. For proper performance of such traction, a forward-bent back and straightened legs are necessary.

Exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs:

In order to stretch the muscles of the legs in the right way and without consequences for health, it is necessary to use a set of special exercises that are aimed at different muscle groups. To stretch the quadriceps muscle, you need to take a position near a static object, on which you can lean to maintain balance. Further with the left hand it is necessary to undertake an ankle of the left leg and to pull up a leg. Then it is worthwhile to stand in the starting position and tilt the hips forward until you feel the stretching of the muscles. This exercise is alternately done on two legs. It is important to stretch the muscles of the legs by extending the hips, and not by stretching the legs themselves. Exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs make it possible to make their muscles more elastic.

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