Spiritual developmentMystic

Assembly points: how to move the assembly point? Consciousness

One of the most intriguing concepts of modernity is the assembly point. This term was introduced by the writer and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. To understand what it is is not easy, if you do not get acquainted with some views of a talented researcher on the universe as a whole and the person in particular. Welcome to a world where there is nothing solid and permanent, where the dogmas and axioms of mankind lose their power and everything becomes possible.

Unusual view of the world

The notion of an assembly point does not apply to a person's physical body. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to understand the description of the universe that Castaneda offered the reader in his books. He wrote that the world as we see it is just a description that captures the narrow spectrum of everything that surrounds us in reality. In the picture of the world to which the assembly point refers, the situation is quite different. In it everything consists of countless emanations of energy, which has a different density and frequency. Each species of living beings has a unique, characteristic only to it the form of the energy body and the color of the glow.

The person in this world description resembles a luminous egg of white color, which, as it were, is covered by a multilayered shell. On the surface of this shell and is the point of assembly of man. It selects those emanations that will be perceived by man, producing the attunement of internal and external processes. That is, our perception completely depends on the position of the assembly point. It is she who makes our world the way we see it, although minimal changes occur in every person, but serious displacements are inaccessible to the majority.


When a person is just born, his assemblage point wanders around the entire surface of the glowing cocoon. He can see much more than what is characteristic of a "normal" person. Children constantly talk about amazing things that their parents do not see. In such cases, adults tell them that this does not happen, that all the unusual things that they see are just a game of imagination, nothing more. Thus, everyone whom the child meets on his life's journey becomes his teacher, instills in him the generally accepted picture of the world.

The position of the assemblage point of the surrounding has an effect on the person. It turns out that an agreement has been concluded between all the representatives of humanity on what the world really is. Years of life only strengthens a firm belief in the grafted world, because of which the assembly point is fixed in one place and remains there for life. This significantly limits the perception of a person, deprives him of the ability to realize the huge amount of things that are accessible to perception. But the adoption and understanding of this concept will not help in any way to change the current state of affairs, since it is very difficult to intentionally shift the assembly point. The most terrible guard, furiously guarding our picture of the world - internal dialogue.

Internal dialogue

Each person constantly talks with himself, in which the same decisions are continuously taken, doubts and fears swirl. Also, through the internal dialogue, the usual picture of the world is fixed, which makes the displacement of the assembly point impossible. While a person is conducting a mental conversation with himself, for him, any opportunities to significantly change his view of the world are closed. This harmful habit is formed from early childhood, when the child enters into an agreement with the society. It is the internal dialogue that constantly reminds us that the world is just the way you see it. And nothing else. Thanks to his zealous supervision, everything that does not fit into the generally accepted picture of the world is simply discarded, even without falling into the field of our perception.

Moreover, when a person is engaged in a dialogue with himself, he can not be "here and now". His perception of the world will be only a memory of past moments. The inner dialogue creates an additional layer between the person and the universe, which essentially distorts the reality. Hence the number of self-centered and crazy people who see around them only a reflection of their person.

Stop the internal dialog

The first thing you need to do in order to move the assembly point is to stop the endless dialogue with you. Only after this, will there be any change in the perception of the world. To stop the internal dialogue, there are many techniques. Many meditative practices are based on inner silence. We can say that after stopping thoughts, the world ceases to be the way we used to see it. But to stop the endless flow of judgments, doubts and mindless thoughts is not as easy as it seems.

Practical methods

One of the simplest ways to get rid of internal dialogue while walking. It is enough only to look at the horizon, not concentrating the sight of any of the objects in the field of view. This technique overloads the visual perception of objects, which complicates the usual flow of thoughts. Listening also helps. Most of the information about the world around us is due to visual perception, sounds are often simply ignored. However, if we focus on the sounds of the world around, everything will become deeper and more voluminous, and the inner dialogue will weaken or cease altogether. You can combine both of these techniques to achieve the best result.

Changing the Assembly Point

But why change the assemblage point of awareness? What will this complex and foggy reception that looks stupid and incomprehensible for a modern pragmatic person give? Displacement assembly point will help at least look at the world from a different angle, re-evaluate the old situation in a new way and find a way out of the usual rut. Many people live for years, carrying out a negative scenario, which brings them only grief and sorrow. This state of affairs was formed for many years, so that it will not be possible to change without difficulty. To shift the assembly point, you need to change your habits and stereotypes of thinking. But the opposite effect is possible. If you manage to change the assembly point, then your inner world will change with it.

Thus, this practice bears in itself not only opportunities for perceiving new, previously unknown things, but also completely changing a person. Even a small displacement of the assemblage point of consciousness can forever get rid of bad habits that have been parasitizing on you for years. Naturally, such a huge potential of this practice is associated with a significant risk. After all, an incorrectly shifted assembly point can seriously harm a person. Therefore, any such manipulations must be done carefully, fully aware of their actions.

Narcotic substances

One way to move the assembly point is to take substances that change consciousness. For example, all known alcohol changes a person's awareness slightly, but enough that he ceased to be responsible for his actions. Some are unable to stop the movement of the assembly point and fall into a completely insane state under the influence of alcohol. More powerful drugs produce an even more serious shift, collecting before the eyes of their victims previously unprecedented worlds.

What is the danger of changing consciousness with psychotropic substances? The matter is that at their reception the person in any way does not supervise movement of a point of assemblage. This can cause serious damage to the psyche and health. Therefore, it is better not to resort to the help of such funds, since the benefits from them will in any case be zero. But they can harm for a long time. For example, if your assemblage point goes into such an uncontrollable journey and fails to return, then you will never again be able to assemble the familiar world and spend the rest of your life within the walls of a psychiatric hospital.


Any strong shift of the assembly point is nothing but controlled madness. This practice changes perception and thinking so much that it does not allow to stay within the limits of "reasonableness". The same crazy who forever went into their own incomprehensible worlds, invisible to an outside observer - an excellent example of this. Their assemblage point has shifted as a result of some event, which gave a serious shake. Then they simply could not bring it back into place. Therefore, the familiar world was never assembled by their consciousness, and they remained forever in new, unknown spaces. To avoid such an outcome, you need to treat the displacement of the assembly point very seriously. After a shift in one direction or another, you must return it to its usual position, so as not to lose control of the situation.

How to move the assembly point

What are the practical ways to change the position of the assembly point? In order that even the slightest conscious shift is possible, it is necessary to practice zealously stopping the internal dialogue, which will make the fixation of awareness not so rigid. Then you need to change your habits. Over the years of life, each person accumulates a lot of habits, which form the position of his assembly point. Their change will inevitably lead to a shift, even if small, but stable.

After the new habits take root, the next position of the assembly point will be fixed. At first she will try hard to return to her original place, but if you do not pay attention to these pathetic attempts, they will soon cease. You can change your habits as often as you deem necessary, slowly gaining experience of consciously changing the position of the assembly point. The more new and unusual things you try, the more malleable your mind will become.


It is safest to move your assembly point within the "human strip". Thus, Carlos Castaneda called the spectrum of all possible positions of consciousness within the human world. Certainly, an experienced practitioner will be able to assemble his awareness in such a way as to perceive amazing things that are inaccessible to ordinary people. But this does not bring any practical benefit to the majority. Moreover, such far trips to the unknown can lead to disastrous consequences, since not everyone can return to normal.

It is reasonable to use this exotic concept as another tool for working on yourself. Abandoning bad habits and obtaining moral qualities that you lacked are just some of the useful things that a change in the assembly point can bring. The practice of such biases will allow you to get out of the negative life scenario and create your own, useful for you.

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