
Ancient crafts of Russia. What crafts developed in Kievan Rus?

Ancient handicrafts of Russia are one of the pillars on which the original culture of our state rests. They take their origin in primitive society, when all activity was collective, and tools of labor - the most simple. However, already in those days, our ancestors were characterized by a desire for beauty. The tools and objects of everyday life that were created were decorated with ornament, they were given a special form. As a rule, everything, as they would say now, decorative elements possessed magical properties: they protected, attracted good luck. Eastern Slavs were similar in this respect with other tribes. The ancient crafts of Russia were distinguished by special techniques and techniques, original motifs. By the time of the creation of the Kiev state our ancestors had already been masters in many kinds of applied art.

Blacksmith - artisan and sorcerer

About what ancient crafts in Russia enjoyed a special honor, it is easy to understand by the numerous legends, legends and sayings. Often in the stories there is a smith who makes a hero a miracle sword, often it is endowed with magical abilities and wisdom.

Metal processing in Russia was indeed one of the most popular skills. She was one of the first to separate into an independent craft. The blacksmith was revered and respected, and iron was considered to be a protective material capable of properly protecting and respecting his master not only from evil people, but also from evil forces.

The development of crafts in Kievan Rus reached striking heights: our ancestors knew almost all modern types of metal processing. Most of them used forging, filigree, mobile, casting and chasing.

Subtle Art

A special mention worthy of jewelry. It also reached considerable heights in Russia. The favorite techniques were already named filigree (filigree), mobile, as well as grains and enamel (enamel). Creation of masters of the times of Kievan Rus and later sometimes amaze. For example, enamel reminded a mosaic with a so carefully prescribed drawing that in the eyes of the captured characters it was possible to distinguish between a dark pupil and a light white squirrel. Such paintings were created from pieces of colored glass. They were pushed and mixed with a little water. The received mass was filled with the details of the articles and then baked several times. As a result, the enamel was alloyed with the metal.

Metal lace and spray

The fabric was an openwork ornament made of the finest gold or silver wire. In this technique, various decorations, caskets and some other household items were made. Filigree gave them airiness and special lightness. Without exaggeration, such products can be called made of metal lace.

Zern was also a frequent decoration of various products. It resembled the smallest drops sprinkled on the surface of the decoration. Mastery craftsmen knew no boundaries: the thickness of the balls often did not exceed 0.4 mm.

The mob was an alloy of silver and sulfur. At drawing of ornaments on a metal preparation the picture was scratched. Then they poured in black and sent baked. Under the influence of high temperature alloys were connected, the pattern was filled with a mixture of sulfur and silver. After the master it was only necessary to remove the excess parts of the mob. The resulting products were distinguished by the contrast of the noble luster of the metal and the matte surface of the pattern.

Working with clay

The second in time appearance after metal processing in Russia was pottery. Initially the dishes and other utensils were made by hand. However, handicrafts in Russia developed rapidly, and in the 9-10 centuries. The Slavs have already used the potter's wheel. As a result, clay products spread throughout the state. Pottery workshops have ceased to be a rarity. Each of them created products, something different from the creations of other artisans. Masters adhered, in modern language, their own style. The differences could relate to technological moments: the temperature and time of firing, the composition of clay, or the decor: the colors used, the shape features, various additional decorating elements.

Crafts in Russia with the adoption of Christianity began to develop according to the Orthodox canons. The potters, besides traditional toys and dishes, began to make various items necessary for the church, and tiles - decorative tiles, which were used as decoration.

Live material

Ancient handicrafts of Russia are hard to imagine without woodcarving. It also originated with our ancestors for a very long time. The carving was decorated with toys and furniture, interior and home items. The tree was considered a warm, living material. Like metal, it was able to protect, protect from harm, so wooden products were found in the ancient state everywhere. An enormous role was played in this by the availability of the material. Wooden houses were built from wood, spinning wheels and spindles, toys and cradles, sledges and arcs were made. At all times in Russia, he was treated with great respect. The master tried to understand the soul, enclosed in a piece of wood, and, creating a living or sacred object, to maximally reveal it, without adding extra from itself.

The most skillful carvers were the Novgorodians. An impressive monument of wooden architecture was found on the territory of the ancient city some time ago: an eleven-meter column dating from the 11th century. Throughout the length it is decorated with carvings, the motifs of which are never repeated.

Forgotten tricks

As is often the case, with the advent of new materials and technologies, obsolete knowledge fades into the background, sometimes completely lost, sometimes only in the form of rare products that have not been destroyed by time. Many crafts of Kievan Rus have become impoverished in this way. For example, today few people know that woodcarving, having risen to the service of Christianity, was used not only to create internal and external decoration of the interiors of churches. Masters made iconostases and cuots - this is a pretty well known fact. In time, the art of wooden icon painting was lost. Today, very little is known about creating images of saints with the help of woodcarving.

Stone Masons

Crafts in Russia were associated with a variety of materials, common in the territory of the settling of the Eastern Slavs. Except already named, masters used a stone. Products from it were not inferior in elegance and beauty to wooden creations. Stone carving was decorated with buildings, most often built of white limestone, slate or marble. Rarely did it occur in smaller objects. In Russia, bone scallops, as well as icons, were common. Masters worked on creating small images of saints. Such icons could be worn around the neck, hanging on the strap. Often carving on the stone was complemented by church tiles.

The position of the masters

Ancient crafts in Russia were valued unequally. They were divided into two groups. The revered belonged to jewelry (goldsmithing), icon painting and some others. Among the "dirty" belonged, for example, pottery.

In most cases, the craftsmen worked to order. Craftsmen belonged to different layers of society. In cities it was possible to meet free masters. They were engaged in blacksmithing, jewelry, chasing and icon painting. In princely and boyar courtyards, patrimonies and estates lived dependent artisans, serfs. Different masters could be found in monasteries.

Creations of female hands

It was in the monasteries that the most ancient crafts of Rus developed, such as sewing and weaving. They were women. The products of the craftsmen of that time still astonish with their beauty today. The fabrics were made from hemp, flax or wool. The process of producing matter has become much easier after the appearance of a horizontal loom. It happened at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries.

A common kind of female needlework was patterned weaving: brane, embroidery on canvas, "silk pjalichnoe delo" (embroidery with hoop) and so on. The craftsmen decorated church objects and objects of everyday life with various patterns. Old Russian sewing was often exported by merchants to other countries. There it also enjoyed universal admiration.

Temporal decline

The period of prosperity in history is often replaced by years, and sometimes by centuries of withering. It was in this condition that the crafts of Russia of the 14th century were located, during the most enduring sovereignty of the Mongol-Tatar khans. Many masters died during the battles, in an attempt to defend their native cities. During the existence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, the development of the jewelry business almost completely stopped, the production of enamels, scans and grains ceased. Other kinds of craft were also affected. However, the revival of applied art began in the next, 15th century.

Blossoming again

The period from the 15th to the 17th century was the time of strengthening the new Russian state. The center of the unification of the principalities was Moscow. Ancient crafts, in Russia, existed from time immemorial, again began to gain strength. To know sought to surround themselves with exquisite objects, luxury and wealth. To the court of the prince, and then the king, artisans who were engaged in carving in stone or wood, weaving and embroidery, jewelry business came together.

Development also receives commodity-money relations. As a result, crafts in Russia in the 16th century become the main source of income for residents of many cities. Gradually, artisan crafts are being formed. The oldest among them is the monastery that originated in the 16th-17th centuries in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Here, the masters were engaged in carving wood and bone, and a little later there was also a toy industry.

The star of world size

After the 15th century, practically all crafts in Russia began to develop. For children are especially familiar among them Khokhloma painting and Dymkovo toys. These types of art are still very popular today, not only here, but also abroad.

Khokhloma enriched the crafts in Russia in the 17th century. This kind of painting was used to decorate various wooden utensils and furniture. Khokhloma is well recognizable thanks to the traditional color scheme: red, black and green on a gold background. The masters of the painting had their secrets. For example, for a background on a wooden workpiece, not a gold powder, but a mixture of tin and silver was applied. Then the product was covered with a special compound and baked several times in the oven. Thus, the desired golden color was achieved. Khokhloma painting always completely covered the product: the tree was not noticeable at all.

Bright and unique

Another famous art craft, originating, apparently, during this period, is a Dymkovo toy. Her name she received at the place of origin. Kirovskaya Sloboda Dymkovo was famous for its red clay. All over the world, there are no products like a bright and cheerful toy. It is interesting that the production technology is quite simple, and if desired, such a statue can be made independently.

The crafts of Ancient Rus have not been forgotten even today. You can even say that they are going through a new stage of development. An interest in folk traditions of deep antiquity is reviving: beliefs, costumes, customs and art crafts. Crafts are actively studied both in the relevant specialties in universities and on their own. Needlework is in great demand today, and therefore masters are happy to turn to traditional crafts. The technology undergoes a variety of changes: new compounds, paints, bases and fixatives are used, in some cases - electrical appliances. On the other hand, in some cases the mode of production as a whole remains unchanged.

It should be noted that the study of the question of which crafts developed in Russia is important for understanding the original Russian culture, helps to imbue it with spirit. The revival of interest in this topic indicates the relevance of such processes. It can be said that crafts in Russia (a photo of products that fill the Internet in a lot, just confirm this) are still alive and continue to develop.

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