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Adenoids: symptoms in adults, causes and treatment of medications and folk remedies

For a long time it was believed that adenoids grow only in childhood. Today, doctors state that pathology is found not only among children. Increasingly, this condition is diagnosed in the adult population. So, we will consider what the "mature" adenoids are, the symptoms in adults and the methods of their treatment will also be described in the review.

Characteristics of pathology

Initially, let's talk about what an adenoiditis is. Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment of pathology are quite similar to the "childhood" disease. However, they have their own peculiarities.

Adenoids in adults are lymphoid tissue that surrounds the nasopharynx. This is a protective barrier of the immune system. Adenoides have the ability to grow. In this case, they become a favorable environment for the accumulation of viruses, fungi, microbes.

The enlarged adenoids are no longer able to purify and moisten the inhaled air. As a result, it freely penetrates the respiratory tract, carrying with it all harmful microorganisms. In addition, and the flow of air into the lungs is quite difficult. After all, on its way are adenoids. Symptoms in adults, which can be suspected pathology, more precisely, the main sign - it's shortness of breath.

As a rule, adenoids grow up to 12 years. Then they begin to decrease. And by 16-20 years they simply atrophy. However, this process is not observed in all people. Unfortunately, statistics state that adenoids in adults are often found.

Symptoms, causes, treatment of this pathology require careful study. Let us dwell on them.


What causes pathology, or why do they appear (later we will look at what signs adenoids in the nose in adults are characterized by) symptoms?

The causes can be hidden in a variety of factors, among which are genetic features.

Most often, the following causes lead to the development of pathology:

  1. Diseases of the nasopharynx are inflammatory, having a long course. The lymphoid tissue delays the infection. If the ailment passes quickly, then the amygdala decreases naturally. But if the illness is delayed, then under the influence of infection it begins to acquire a chronic character.
  2. Infectious pathology. Quite often adenoids increase in size after the transferred pathologies: pertussis, measles, influenza, scarlet fever.

Characteristic features

Now let's see how the adenoids in the nose grow in adults. Symptoms of pathology practically do not differ from clinical manifestations of the disease in children.

Adenoiditis is characterized by the following conditions:

  1. Disturbed nasal breathing. This is the main symptom of pathology.
  2. Isolation from the nasal cavity of an abundant purulent secret during the cold.
  3. Headache. Adenoids interfere with free entry into the body. Symptoms in adults, such as headache and dizziness, indicate brain hypoxia.
  4. Zalozhennost ears. With a large increase in lymphoid tissue, it is possible to close the auditory tube. This can lead to hearing loss.
  5. Change of voice. He becomes nasal and rude.
  6. Cough, snoring. Such phenomena often torment an adult at night.

Degrees of pathology

Physicians identify several stages characterizing such a disease as adenoids in adults. Symptoms and treatment directly depend on the form of the disease.

There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  1. Lymphoid tissue only begins to increase. Therefore, the patient breathes freely throughout the day. But in a horizontal position, during sleep, the volume of adenoids increases somewhat as a result of the flow of blood, and air penetration is hampered. Therefore, the patient begins to breathe with his mouth.
  2. The proliferation of adenoids is progressing. The patient breathes his mouth already in the daytime. During sleep, snoring is often observed.
  3. Severe degree, in which adenoids almost completely block the flow of air into the respiratory neck from the nasal cavity. The patient breathes only his mouth. Very often, at this stage of the disease, complications are noted. As a rule, hearing loss and broken speech are diagnosed.

Diagnosis of pathology

How can we identify the adenoids that have proliferated? Symptoms in adults, given above - this is a serious reason to consult an otolaryngologist.

In the recent past, diagnosing this problem was difficult. After all, doctors did not have the necessary equipment. And the structure of the nasopharynx of an adult is such that the area in which the adenoids are located becomes practically inaccessible.

A major breakthrough in this field was made after the invention of new endoscopic methods. The procedure is performed with anesthesia. The doctor gets the opportunity to carefully examine the nasopharynx and make a diagnosis. In fact at the adult can "grow" not only adenoides. Sometimes cysts, polyps, and tumors are diagnosed.

For the correct diagnosis, the doctor makes a biopsy. A small piece of overgrown tissue is examined at the cellular level. And only by results of a biopsy the diagnosis is put and appropriate treatment is appointed.

The endoscopic method confirmed the magnitude of the pathology. According to statistics, enlarged adenoids are detected in almost 30% of the adult population.


Conservative therapy is effective only at 1 degree of growth. But remember that a doctor should prescribe medication .

In the scheme of therapy include the following tools:

  1. Vasoconstrictors. Often recommend drops: "Sanorin", "Naftizin", "Nazivin".
  2. Solutions for washing. This procedure is mandatory if adenoids are found in adults. Unpleasant treatment (washing) allows to reduce puffiness, to remove inflammation and to provide air access to tissues. For the event, the following preparations are recommended: "Akvalor", "Aquamaris", "Dolphin". An excellent effect will provide a solution of furacilin, a decoction of chamomile.
  3. Drying drops. After the washing procedure, it is necessary to drip your nose with one of the following medicines: Protargol, Collargol.
  4. Antiseptic sprays. Medications "Ingalipt", "Miramistin" can be prescribed.
  5. Stimulants of immunity. Therapies include medications: "IRS-19", "Imudon". For general strengthening of immunity, medicines are recommended: Bronchomunal, Ribomunil.
  6. Antiallergic drugs. Often, local funds are recommended: "Kromoglin", "Kromogeksal". They can prescribe medications for oral administration: Loratodin, Zodak, Zirtek.
  7. Antibiotics. They enter into treatment only in case of exacerbation of adenoiditis. Assign the drug after bakpaseva from the nasal cavity. Depending on the specific pathogen, effective antibiotics are selected.

Operative treatment

A pathology of 2, 3 degrees requires surgical intervention. To date, these operations are quite simple and low-traumatic.

Endoscopic equipment is used for such treatment. This allows you to accurately remove all overgrown tissue, since even a small part left after adenotomy can lead to a relapse. And in this case, unpleasant symptoms will return very quickly to the patient.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital, usually for 1 day. In such a period, complications such as nasal bleeding may occur. After discharge, the patient is recommended a certain diet and rest. For 1 week, it is advisable to use exclusively warm liquid food. It is necessary to limit oneself from physical labor, various kinds of overloads, and visits to the sauna. It should not be at this time to sunbathe.

Traditional treatment

This therapy is quite effective. However, before using it, do not forget to consult a doctor.

Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies in children and adults:

  1. Sea salt. This tool is recognized as effective enough in the fight against pathology. The washing salt is used. It is necessary to dilute 2 tsp. Her in a glass of boiled water, according to the instructions. It is recommended to wash the nasal passages 2 times a day.
  2. Natural celandine. The herb perfectly helps to treat adenoids. It is necessary to pour the raw materials (2 tbsp) with boiling water (1 tbsp.). The mixture is kept in a water bath for half an hour. Then you should insist for 20 minutes. Strain. In the resulting product, add a couple of spoons of melted pork fat. The mixture is put in an oven for 1 hour. The composition should be completely thickened. The product is perfectly preserved in the refrigerator. It is recommended that the cotton balls become soaked in the "medicine" and inserted into the nasal passages for 5 minutes. Such an event should be held daily. Adenoids under the influence of this drug are amenable to reverse development. In addition, the "medicine" stimulates the work of immunity.
  3. Tui Oil. It is considered a powerful tool in the treatment of adenoids. After all, the oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, antimicrobial, immunostimulating effect. It allows to normalize the main processes in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx. Oil perfectly eliminates edema, destroys viruses and pathogenic bacteria. It allows to normalize the secretion of mucus. It is recommended to drop oil into the nasal passages daily, at bedtime, for 2 weeks. Then you should do a 7-day break and repeat the course.

Important recommendation

If surgical intervention remains the only way to fight adenoids, you should know that conservative treatment is mandatory before the operation. This avoids unpleasant complications in the future.

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