Arts & EntertainmentMusic

The world's first music video for the song "Steamboat": Cliffs at the helm

Bite your elbows, creators of fashionable clips, wring your hands in bitter melancholy producers - the glory of pioneers in the field of clipmaking and laurels of film directors, alas, you do not belong! Oh, you lied to the premonitions, yes, you lied to - the right of the "first night" with a clean and innocent creature called "clip" was used long before the days of today. When, ask? In 2014, just the jubilee will knock. We advise everyone to sit down: this year the world's first (!) Music video will turn 75 years old.

Where did the famous "Steamboat" come from? Cliffs, "Concert on the screen", the year 39th ...

In 1940, another life-affirming comedy appeared on the screens of Soviet cinemas. Among other "propaganda" of the time it was distinguished by its extraordinary musicality and spectacle. The fact that the film will be a lot of music, warned the title - "Concert on the screen." And the action, it should be noted, went to glory. Everything that the musical comedy should abound in: everything, the director's and cameraman's work, the brilliant act of actors and many songs that later became truly popular and beloved by millions of Soviet citizens.

It was the "Concert on the screen" that wrote out a ticket to a long life for such song masterpieces as "The Wide Spread of the Sea Wide", "Be Healthy, Live Rich" and, of course, the "Steamboat". Cliffs makes one more step towards the title of one of the symbols of the Soviet stage. But he is already known all over the country for his "Lemonchik", "Bublychki" and, especially, "Cheerful guys".

Make a hit "Steamboat"? Cliffs help!

The 39th year ... Taking the shooting of "Concerto ...", the scriptwriter and director Timoshenko, in alliance with the operator duo Nazarov-Danashevsky, most likely did not expect that they were destined to become the world's first creators of the video. It was about a quality and bright film, filmed professionally and "with a soul." The members of the film crew fulfilled what was required of them. The rest "finished" the songwriters and inimitable Leonid Utesov.

Yes, he performed creations created by others, but he did it with such skill that he easily turned any song into "his". In the 30's and 40's, getting into the Clifford Orchestra was the limit of the dreams of many venerable musicians, writing dozens of masters of the pen and music camp was considered a honor for the great Odessite . Speaking in today's language, to create a song for Leonid Utyosov was guaranteed to make it a hit. "Steamer" became one of them.

The world's first video: all the main roles are performed by Utesov

If you remove the scenes from the clip-clip purely technical, then we can safely say: the main reason for his success - Utesov. "Steamboat", the text of which is not particularly intricate, and the music had a "jazz" touch foreign to the Soviet Union, gained popularity thanks to the versatile talent of the devoted son of Odessa.

Leonid Utyosov performs all the roles in the "steamship" scene, and his acting skills, combined with the proprietary stub-cunning, make the film's viewing interesting and enthralling after many decades.

The song of Utyosov "Steamboat" became the "first whistle" in the ocean of world clipmaking. The main characters of the clip are the expressive leader of the orchestra on the quay, the mischievous carefree local shalope, a loving young man with a bouquet of his only one. And a stout river wolf-captain, and, of course, she is a charming madam, a lovely face-flower of which the main character sings.

Here they are: "Steamboat", Utesov and an immortal creation, considered the first Soviet clip.

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