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People do not change - true or not?

Do not people change or is this a delusion? Perhaps, it is impossible to judge unequivocally. There are a number of features inherent in every personality, which are called character. But habits can be replaced by others, more beneficial to humans.

Personality is a constant?

Even speaking of the character, do not forget that the individual is able to improve it depending on their own needs and desires. Time changes, people change. Many have complexes that came from childhood. For example, a child closes, protects himself psychologically. But when he grows up, an adult person begins to understand that the old mechanisms are no longer necessary to him, they must fall out of the head like dairy teeth.

Why do we act and think in one way or another?

In the brain, neural connections are created, which fix in our minds a certain algorithm of actions, a list of choices of actions in this or that situation. For example, if a child was humiliated in the yard, he gets used to being offended, but in the future it can affect his self-esteem and cause the creation of an inferiority complex.

If people do not change, they remain the same intimidated children who can not develop in either professional or personal life. And even if the outside world is benevolent to them, the neural link in the brain that is created says "Suffer, around danger, evil and enemies."

As a rule, such contradictory feelings are experienced by teenagers, but some pull this trail behind them into adulthood. Do people change after childhood trauma or those experienced at a more conscious age? Of course! The main thing is a desire to understand yourself, to delve into psychology, and not to think that this is all nonsense.

Sometimes you need to dig into yourself

As a rule, when an individual receives a profession, a hobby, the attention of the opposite sex, acquires friends, he himself has the question: "So what do I dislike?" It's time to understand the reasons for your incorrectly constructed thinking and really become the person who always wanted to be.

People do not change only if they do not want to. Even the types of temperament, studied by psychologists, are considered not so much congenital, as received in the process of development phenomenon. Many justify their indecision by counting themselves as melancholy, or sharpness, being a choleric. But this justification does not change anything. People like not like excessive softness and rudeness, and will not like, and a person with this live.

He can flee from his shortcomings endlessly, but it is much more effective to deal with them, to clarify everything, to understand the course of one's own thoughts and to discover at what exact moment the path of development of the inner emotional sphere has turned in the wrong direction. With the proper effort, you can change yourself. Do not adjust to the surrounding reality and wear a mask, but show your best qualities.

Change the background on which we are located

Flexibility of a person in terms of adaptation to the surrounding becomes obvious to us on the simplest examples. For example, in children's textbooks on the subject "The World around" you can see that people 's lives are changing. In the top row of the table in one of the tasks are prescribed the objects that were used before. This is hay, firewood and food produced during the hunt. Looking around, seeing tall houses, cars, supermarkets, computers in every house and apartment, we understand that people's lives are changing. In the upper section of the assignment are those household items that helped to survive before, and they seem to us, undoubtedly, meager. Now the person has more opportunities. The stream of information that we sometimes do not even have time to absorb is huge and non-stop.

Because of the chaotic and noise of the world, many people have mental illnesses. And at the same time, the world has become more progressive. There is more knowledge about how to use the gifts of nature. If it were not for the achievements of scientists, we would be deprived of many amenities, but there were times when the development of scientific thought was stopped.

Deceleration of development

When it comes to the Middle Ages, we immediately see castles, Gothic cathedrals, Crusader campaigns and endless internecine wars. We visualize the fires that the Inquisitors arranged, as well as the knight tournaments among the feudal lords. These signs are famous for this era.

How did the ideas of the medieval man change against the background of these external signs? Did they see the external environment the same way we did, and what was the driving force behind their actions?

How the ideas of the medieval man changed about the world, can be seen from the cultural and intellectual fund, the elements of which have reached to our days. Many useful knowledge people of that time have learned from ancient philosophers and wise men. There were a lot of prejudices and distortions in the representations during this period. It is this that separates the era of the Greeks and Romans from the period that they used to call the New Time.

How do people's views change, in the best way? Most authors who touched on this topic in their writings say that they do not, and characterize the Middle Ages as a failure in development, a stupor into which mankind fell. The culture of European states at that time was much weaker than in the remaining time periods. There was a marked backwardness, a decline in culture and moral values, and less attention was paid to human rights. Okinut this period a dark shadow. So they call it the beginning - "dark ages".

Aspirations and desires

In the novel "Master and Margarita" M. Bulgakov Voland said that people do not change. But here we are talking more about their motives. Everyone is well aware of the fact that man has always been fascinated by wealth.

Also, such a passion as vanity is eternal. It was on them that the hero made an accent. But at the same time, it is hard to deny that no matter how great the progress of science, people are always interested in self-realization, closeness with other individuals, mutual understanding. Civilization offers many ways to entertain yourself and without the encirclement of other people, but at the same time, nothing will replace live communication in terms of quality and impact on mood. In the human nature there were many instincts that sit at the subconscious level.

Instinctive level

Sometimes we do not even realize why we act in one way or another. Take for example the love that takes place between a guy and a girl. Women tend to overly concentrate on their partner and, without receiving news from him for a long time, fall into a hysterical and depressive state. Of course, everyone who has bothered at least once to understand their emotions and pull out all their causes on the surface, is less prone to such incidents.

If blindly follow the instincts, you can notice an extremely stupid behavior. So what is all this due to? If we remember the primitive community, we will see that men went hunting, and women cooked food, watched the children. If the food was not enough for the whole tribe, the sharing of material values was carried out according to the principle of force. And, of course, biceps men were measured. After the strongest, his wife was eating, then the second in power and his wife.

The instinct of self-preservation

So the idea of modern ladies that they can not live without their chosen one, called love, is the purest example of the instinct of self-preservation. Egoism is inherent in everyone, so that this feeling can also be explained by some benefit for oneself.

In our time, a woman can earn her living by herself, engage in intellectual work, but nevertheless on the subcortex of the brain sits the thought that without a companion, she is starving. Hence the desire to be beautiful, the idea that the main thing in a girl is attraction. All because in a primitive society it was this criterion that was judged. And this is the most that is a banal example of how our actions and thoughts are governed by instincts.

In fact, our ancestors before us have done a very thorough work on the creation of survival skills, thinking mechanisms and other patterns, which we sometimes use unconsciously. Everything changes, life changes, people change. Or just the shell becomes different, but inside we are the same?

What can be changed and what is not?

The settings that sit in us genetically are almost impossible to change. They need to understand and understand why we do this. The second big layer of information, which is laid in our brain, is childhood events. We have a set of species instincts, but now we need to develop our own, conditioned by the circumstances and events that are going on around us personally.

If the individual did not develop in the most favorable environment and was adversely affected, his parents fought, drank, paid little attention to him, or, on the contrary, spoiled too much, all this could affect the further formation of the personality and cause some complications. But do not consider such a person to be a moral disability.

Such dark spots, which in conscious age have to be wiped out, are almost everyone's. The main thing is not to justify yourself, but to get down to business. Do not complain about the fact that the world does not accept a person, but to begin to know and love yourself.

Everyone can change for the better

Sometimes we can not change the features of our character and body, but we can always find ways to improve them, because in everyone there is a grain of beauty from which you can grow a whole garden with beautiful flowers and useful tasty fruits. For this, only an industrious cultivator is needed who can get to the bottom of the problem and shed a refreshing moisture of truth on it.

Looking at the scientific progress, the cultural heritage of mankind, we see that there are plenty of forces, reason and opportunities for development in people. Looking at wars, catastrophes and accidents, we also understand that if you do not get out of the wrong moment from the misconception, do not put the priorities right, this force can serve not for the most good purposes.

All in our hands

Man is both evil and kind, stable and changeable. All the charm of our life is that we ourselves are making the way we are going. If people have the opportunity to change for the better, they will be able to do it.

If an individual wants to throw his soul into the fire of sin and intention firmly, with no assurances of it can not be discouraged from this venture. For a harmonious development of the world and the presence of only positive changes, everyone must learn to take responsibility primarily for their own lives, judgments and actions, to do themselves better. Then all humanity will be transformed. The choice is yours!

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