
Novorossiysk - Gelendzhik: how to get there, distance

Route Novorossiysk - Gelendzhik, the distance between the end points of which - only 31 km, can be overcome in several ways. All of them are available for both money and time. The choice depends on personal preferences and equipment at the moment. At the same time, for which you can get to the resort, is approximately the same for all modes of transport, as the road runs along mountain slopes. The complex and steep serpentine of the road makes it impossible to travel the Novorossiysk-Gelendzhik route in less than 40-60 minutes.


Bus communication between these cities is excellent. And you can get by bus, going strictly along the route Novorossiysk - Gelendzhik, and by transit flights, during which tourists are delivered from Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and other cities. All buses are comfortable, have air conditioning, soft seats and a large compartment for passengers' luggage. This is the most economical way to get from the city-port to the resort town. Delivery will be carried out from the bus station of Novorossiysk to the bus station of Gelendzhik. And keep in mind that there are two bus stations in Gelendzhik, so know in advance where your bus is coming to plan how you will get to the place of residence.


The cost of the trip on the route Novorossiysk - Gelendzhik by taxi - about one thousand rubles. It is cheaper to use a taxi, which calculates the meter, since in this case you pay strictly your kilometers, and not the "assumptions" of a taxi driver who can consider that mountain serpentines pass more expensive than in the city. Plus transportation by taxi is that any driver, being a big fan of the area in which he lives and works, will give you a short tour of the places where you will pass. And you will pass by picturesque vineyards, interesting Kabardinka, clean and fresh Marina Grove. And any surrounding landscape is worth it to learn at least something from its history.

A car

On its own (or rented) car, of course, it is most convenient to travel on the route Novorossiysk - Gelendzhik. How to get to the resort, can easily be traced to the navigator, available in almost every phone. However, the road to Gelendzhik is one, so it's almost impossible to get lost. The cost in this case will be very low, especially if you go not alone, but the whole company. A huge advantage of independent travel is that you can stop at any place you like. The route "Novorossiysk-Gelendzhik" runs along a very beautiful terrain, so much can be liked there. In addition, you can always drive away from the road on your private car and drive up to the sea, look into the forest, climb the picturesque mountain slopes that offer stunning views.


Water communication between Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik is not set well. During the season, there are enough walking boats and motor ships. In addition, you can hire a small boat that will take you to the pier of Gelendzhik. Not in the season you can get from Novorossiysk to the resort only if you own your own yacht or boat. There are no other possibilities.

The cost of regular flights is approximately equal to 500 rubles, hiring a vehicle will cost much more - about 3000 per hour of such a walk. If you choose such a way of travel, unforgettable impressions are simply guaranteed to you. Transparent, clean Black Sea from the side of the boat, yacht, boat - just an unforgettable sight and an unprecedented pleasure.

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