
Environmental activities: the concept, principles and objectives

Modern mankind can no longer imagine life without the achievements of scientific and technological progress, but not everyone understands that at the moment all these achievements have already provoked the emergence of a serious environmental crisis. The constant development of production capacities without taking into account the subtle influence of any of its actions on the environment, as well as the continuous pursuit of maximum profit, led to the fact that the planet's natural resources were largely depleted, the Earth's atmosphere became much more polluted, a number of animal and plant species disappeared , As well as a lot of other problems. It is for this reason that environmental activities have emerged that try to maintain the balance as much as possible.

What is the crisis?

The ecological crisis is a tense state of relations between nature and man, which is characterized by the lack of correspondence of production relations and productive forces in society to the ecological and resource possibilities of the biosphere. At the same time, it is necessary to understand correctly that this is a reversible state, and as the most active side the person acts here as he can prevent the occurrence of an ecological catastrophe, and for this purpose there is an environmental activity. It should be noted that during the existence of our planet, environmental crises have occurred repeatedly.

What is he like?

The crisis represents various phases of the development of the biosphere of our planet, on which a qualitative update of living substances is carried out (when some species die out and others arise). The current stage of the ecological crisis affecting modern humanity is associated with the threat of global pollution, which arises because the decomposers do not have the opportunity or do not have time to naturally cleanse the biosphere from all possible artificial compounds that fall into it. Environmental protection activities are aimed both at minimizing the consequences of such pollution and maximally regulating and controlling their occurrence.

Basic concepts

There are several concepts of how nature protection is ensured . Thus, the nature protection activity has several interpretations:

  • Activities aimed at preserving the global life support system for humanity.
  • A complex of regional, state, political, technological, local and public events aimed at the rational use, conservation and further reproduction of the nature of our planet, as well as the outer space adjacent to it, which is done in the interests of both existing and future generations.
  • Integrated science, which develops general concepts and methods of conservation, as well as further restoration of natural resources.

It should be noted that the notion of "environmental protection" is rather closely related to the notion of "environmental protection", which includes a set of measures aimed at preserving the natural and socio-economic environments of a person.

As one of the most important components of the implementation of such activities is the maximum rational use of natural resources. In other words, such an activity system is used, the main purpose of which is to ensure the economical exploitation of nature resources, as well as the extremely effective regime of their reproduction, taking into account the long-term interests of the developing economy and the preservation of human health.

General principles

The nature protection activity of enterprises and various communities is based on certain regularities, which can be divided into a number of basic principles:

  • Deep study of all phenomena and processes that are characteristic of a particular natural system, as well as for the totality of these systems and the further consideration of open patterns.

    Many people know that in the biosphere all organisms have a sufficiently strong connection between themselves, due to which any changes in the parameters of the environment ultimately lead to different metamorphoses, which, due to their globality, may even become irreversible. That is why, when the environmental activities of enterprises are organized, it is extremely important to base on the results of the conducted studies.
  • Finding ways to restore chemical elements in the natural cycle.

    This principle is completely based on the law of conservation of substances, since nothing arises from nothing and can not disappear without a trace. In connection with this, in the process of creating any new chemical compounds, the possibility of converting the resulting elements into other compounds that can turn into substances that are characteristic of the natural complex of compounds is mandatory.

    The development of environmental activities is largely due to the fact that in the process of industrialization many types of substances have appeared that are not at all absorbed by the natural environment, and in particular, this refers to synthetic detergents, rubber and others. All this leads to the fact that part of the atoms of various chemical elements are excluded from the natural cycle, which causes serious damage to nature.
  • Accounting for the energy costs required for the implementation of a particular activity, as well as the possibility of irreversible dissipation in an external environment.

    Different features of this principle are associated with the main manifestation of the law of conservation of energy, that is, one can not benefit if it does not make certain costs, and also if one does not take into account the fact that a certain part of the expended energy can dissipate in the environment due to thermal and other radiations. It is for this reason that in the process of organizing and continuing activities aimed at protecting nature, it is extremely important to rationally implement the relevant production processes in strict accordance with the norms of conducting technological operations that ensure environmental safety.
  • Accounting for various adaptations, natural mechanisms, peculiarities of biological, biogeochemical and ecological processes, as the most rational and developed during the natural evolutionary development.

    Environmental activities in Russia and other countries of the world, in accordance with this principle, provide for not only an in-depth and detailed study of various natural ecological processes, but also mandatory accounting, and the use of open patterns in the implementation of various environmental activities and other activities.


Activities of environmental protection have the following objectives:

  • Provision of agro-industrial and industrial complexes at this level in order to achieve minimal damage to nature;
  • Organization of the functioning of various enterprises so that their work inflicts minimal harm to man and natural ecological processes;
  • Regulation of the use of natural energy and material resources in order to increase their economic efficiency, as well as to increase the positive impact on nature;
  • Preservation of all notable or typical objects of both living and non-living nature through the creation of reserves, reserves or various national parks;
  • Carrying out a set of activities aimed at organizing environmentally friendly recreation, as well as protecting public health.

How is this ensured?

Protection of nature is organized through the implementation of a number of preventive and active measures, all of which are sufficiently responsible. Environmental protection activities in the form of preventive measures are a set of works that allow creating ideal conditions for preserving the balance of nature in a certain territorial area. As an example of such works it is possible to single out the conservation of natural landscapes, interesting science or simply valuable biocenoses, as well as various plants and animals.

Active measures are the stimulation of nature protection activities and the implementation of a number of actions aimed at eliminating the consequences of negative human impact on any natural environmental processes. In particular, this includes the control of various contaminants affecting the air basin of the World Ocean, as well as individual elements of the hydrosphere and land resources. In addition, special attention is paid to the development of technologies for the implementation of various production processes and the transformation of ecological systems that would be more environmentally sound and would create better conditions for humans.

Economic and legal basis

Ensuring environmental safety is the main goal that nature protection activity sets itself. The types of such activities, all without exception, are aimed at protecting present and future generations from the impact of the environment that could be harmful to their health due to excessive pollution due to human actions or various natural disasters. It is worth noting that in Russia the organization of environmental activities is one of the most important components of human security.

Economic security

Such provision is to maximize the full extraction and consumption of various natural resources with minimum labor and material costs, taking into account the costs needed to ensure environmental safety of humans, as well as natural organic communities. In this case, the calculation of costs includes the costs for the extraction and processing of raw materials with the subsequent production of finished products, for the restoration of various natural biocenoses, as well as human health, with a negative impact on the environment due to its significant pollution. In most cases, instant profit does not pay off with further costs.

Features of nature protection in Russia

In the current legislation, the basis of environmental policy includes the following principles:

  • As the main priority, the protection of human health and life, as well as the provision of the most favorable environmental conditions for labor, life and recreation of people;
  • Scientifically sound, a combination of environmental and economic interests of society that can provide real guarantees of human rights to the natural environment that would be as healthy and livable as possible;
  • Rational use of any natural resources;
  • Compliance with the requirements of the existing environmental legislation with an unavoidable punishment for any environmental violations;
  • Publicity in the work of any bodies that deal with environmental issues, as well as close communication with the public and the public in solving any tasks related to nature protection;
  • Cooperation with other countries in the field of environmental protection.

Legislative standards

In addition to the fact that the law determines the right of everyone to live in a healthy and healthy environment, environmental protection concerns him, that is, he must maintain the appropriate quality of this environment and protect it with accessible methods. The right to a favorable environment is ensured through state control over the quality of the natural environment, as well as compliance with the established environmental legislation. One of the most important measures for preserving the environment is the implementation of proper environmental education, as well as the correct education of each individual, and especially this applies to the younger generation.

The legislation sets out the main objectives of the state's environmental activities, the economic mechanism for its implementation, as well as the standardization of environmental quality, the plan for carrying out relevant examinations and various environmental requirements for already functioning industries.

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