EducationSecondary education and schools

Each formula has its own face: an essay on the theme "Glory to science!"

If in ancient times people did not begin to observe the world, think, analyze and create something new, today's benefits of civilization would be impossible. And how to know, maybe there would be no man. Therefore, the essay on "Glory to science!" Is not just another task in literature, but a tribute to great thinkers who, sparing no effort, did everything for the benefit of scientific development.


Before you sit down for an essay on the theme "Glory to science!" In literature, it is worthwhile to arrange a short digression into history, namely: to trace how out of absurd thoughts and crazy ideas schools, scientific currents, and discoveries were made.

Initially, all the reflections that did not concern human life, related to philosophy. However, when different scientific currents began to separate from it, the independent development of knowledge greatly accelerated. First, a theoretical basis was developed, but during the Great Geographical Discoveries, more and more attention was paid to practice. In a relatively short time span, science "rose to its feet," demonstrating to the public the knowledge accumulated over the centuries, which today are passed on from generation to generation, multiplying and expanding.

Glory to science!

For the modern person, the world around us is taken for granted. But if someone from the past got into our era, he would be very surprised. Fast cars, computers, high-speed Internet, cable TV - how did a man get used to such things! But many do not even suspect that to create them, scientists selflessly sacrificed their own time, collecting bit by bit the knowledge not yet strengthened.

Behind every invention, formula, axiom or theorem are human fates. Each rule has its own face, and sometimes - a name and a surname. Science has come a long way. She experienced both great changes, and periods of decline, but nevertheless survived. Resurrecting from the ashes, starting all over again and achieving practical results. Scientists did not let the knowledge fade. And I want to say: "Glory to science! And glory to those who did not give up in their research field. "

The work on the theme "Glory to science!" Can have a diverse character. It can mention one of the famous scientists, talk about the role of theory in everyday life or write about how it all began. The main thing is not to forget to emphasize: everything that a person enjoys in everyday life, he is indebted to science.

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