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A Tale of a Real Man (review). Author and hero

"The Tale of a Real Man" - a review of fiction on the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War. The fate of the fighter pilot Alexei Meresev reflects the heroic features of many people who have borne the brunt of the war on their shoulders.

The beginning of history

Written down this story in 1943, the military correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" Boris Polevoy, who fell to learn from the first mouth about everything that suffered the Soviet military pilot, a very young guy.

A significant meeting of military commissar Polevoy with pilot Maresyev, guard senior lieutenant of the extermination regiment, occurred near Orel on the Bryansk front of the Kursk arc.

The pilots of this regiment shot down about fifty enemy aircraft in a few days. This was a major military success, and the military commissar Polevoy was sent to part to make a report about the glorious Soviet soldiers.

A meeting

In part of the Field and met with the best pilot of the regiment Maresiev. The meeting shocked Polevoy - the pilot was legless!

Seeing the bewilderment and astonishment of the military commissar, Maresiev decided to tell Polevoi how he lost his legs and how he returned to heaven.

The strength of the spirit and the extraordinary character of this guy greatly amazed Boris Polevoy, he immediately wrote down the story of Maresiev. But he told her world only in 1946, writing a book "A Tale of a Real Man." The author slightly changed the name of the main character, calling him Meresya, but in general, in his own words, tried to present this story truthfully.

After the publication of the book, the writer became famous, and the "Tale of the Real Man" was found in the hearts of people so hot that it gained world fame. It was read on the radio, printed in newspapers, republished many times in our country and abroad. Legless pilot Alexei Meresyev literally broke into people's minds and hearts.

The story was filmed. Later, Prokofiev's opera The Story of a Real Man was staged.

The response of the real Alexei Maresiev was laconic. The guy said that he is a man, not a legend, and there is nothing unusual about him. Maresieva was modest, glory embarrassed him.


To show people that it is possible to go through incredible difficulties and not break down, but to become an example for imitation - that's what Field wrote "A Tale of a Real Man". The brief content of the book introduces facts almost documentary.

In April 1942, the fighter of Lieutenant Meresjev was hit in battle. The plane crashed into the Black Forest, in the rear of the German divisions. The pilot threw the firs on the broad paws of the fir trees, over which he had moved into a snowdrift. This saved his life. Alex decided to make his way to the front, from where the sounds of battle were heard. He hardly walked on his wounded legs, and when his legs refused, he crawled. On the eighteenth day of Meresjev, completely weakened, the boys from the village of Plavni were found. There was no doctor in the village. Collective farmers nursed the pilot before the arrival of the commander of the squadron Degtyarenko. Meresjev was taken to the aerodrome of the flight part, and then - by airplane to the hospital in Moscow.

The wounded legs struck gangrene, they had to be amputated. For the pilot to be legless - then forget about the sky. The meaning of life was lost. But the meeting in the hospital with the commissar Vorobyov returned Alexey faith and the hope to fly, to fight the Nazis before the victory.

Return to service

Walking on prostheses was painful, but he did not give up - he learned not only to walk, but also to run and dance.

Maresiev achieved the direction in the training regiment. During the first flight with the instructor I could not hold back tears. This legless cadet caused admiration from the instructor, and he made a flight program specially for Alexei.

Alexey left the training school with excellent recommendations. His desire to return to the fighting system was realized.

Knowing about the war not by hearsay, I could not forget about this story Field. "The Tale of a Real Man," a summary of which is in the article, reflects the rebirth of man. She describes the Soviet pilot at the time of the greatest despair, showing that the hope for a new life has helped him to cope with all the difficulties.

"The Story of a Real Man", the main characters in which not only pilot Alexei Meresyev, but all those who contributed to his salvation and returning to the sky - collective farmers, commanders, doctors, commissar, instructor - became the favorite book of many children and adults.


Overcoming all obstacles and own weakness is what the "Tale of a Real Man" teaches. The response of the hero Meresjev about the aspiration to the sky is expressed emotionally brightly: when after the hospital Alexey's card was written about his professional suitability, he was absolutely happy.

This story in reality has a happy ending. Already in the summer of the forty-third fighter pilot Maresyev returned to the system and fought heroically.

After the war he married his beloved girl. He had a son, who was helped to nurse my mother. Maresiev always supported himself in excellent shape, he worked as an instructor at the Air Force School in Moscow.

The writer and the hero after the publication of the book met and for many years, before the death of Field, communicated and served together the cause of peace.

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